Popcorn Calories: Popped Vs Unpopped

December 1, 2009

Popcorn is one astonishment snack, which is low in fat and drunk in fiber. There are so many varieties of this that not all popcorn options are suitable because of weight watchers. The showdown between popcorn calories: popped vs unpopped happens right here, in this article.

Sitting in a intimate theater and eating popcorn is every movie buffs favorite pastime. You can have this one delightful snack buttered, or with caramel or withy cheese, and somehow calm if you are full, you always want single frequently bite of it! Many habitancy who are on a diet stay away from these scrumptious delights because of their reputation of existence fattening because they all the time doubt regarding popcorn calories and carbs. Popcorn is ideal since weight watchers, as they are intoxicated in fiber and roughage. Popcorn calories: popped vs unpopped, is what we are going to consult additional in the article.

Popped Vs Unpopped: Calorie Comparison
Many staff amazement why unpopped popcorn calories are frequently in comparison over popped popcorn calories. The answer lies in pop corn kernels, popped popcorn has less kernels, therefore less calories. The fact is so unpopped popcorn calories are lesser as compared on popped popcorn calories. What I mean over tell is, a cup of unpopped popcorn will have intensive calories because of theo- large number of kernels because are present. On the other hand, popped popcorn of the same measure want have less calories because of theo- absence of kernels. Moreover, a cup of unpopped popcorn determination give you nearby four cups of popped popcorn. Therefore, unpopped popcorn has greater calories. If you want minimum number of calories, it is beat toward have broadcast popped popcorn with no butter or common salt or cheese added. Of course the popcorn calories: popped vs unpopped issue, all depends on how you choose into have your popcorn. Whether you have it buttered, or similar it with cheese, there is one thing so remains constant aside from the extra fat you add into the popcorn, which is theo- basic fat in unpopped popcorn is healthy and generous fat. If you take a look at theo- list of low fat foods, you wish comprehend order that popcorn prominently figures in it.

List of Popcorn Calories

- Cheese popcorn calories - 58 calories per cup
- Buttered popcorn calories - 40 calories per cup
- Oil popped popcorn calories - 55 calories per cup
- Air popped popcorn calories - 31 calories per cup
- Microwave popcorn calories - 25 calories per cup
- Caramel popcorn calories - 122.5 calories per cup
- Caramel popcorn withy peanuts calories - 230 calories per cup

Popcorn because of Weight Loss
But flat if you are an ardent weight watcher, you can try different popcorn recipes, and I'm pretty sure you can negotiate a hardly augmentation in calories here and there. Popcorn is the healthiest snack as it is whole grain, which makes it intoxicated in fiber. The above named calorie count is a basic estimate, however one of the many astounding popcorn facts is so it has single of the least sum of fat as compared into other snacks. So if you are on a healthy low fat diet, munch away on as much popcorn as you want. Popcorn calories popped vs unpopped popcorn issue also depends on how single wants toward have their popcorn. If single has a amalgam of say, oil popped popcorn with butter and a elan of salt, the calorie count desire of course jump up to 155 calories a cup. It is public knowledge order that single shouldn't wholly eliminate fat from their diet plan, so if you love your popcorn, remember, theo- fat present in them is satisfying fat, withy no cholesterol.

All said and done, in spite of it comes until popcorn calories: popped vs unpopped, it doesn't object if you are an avid fan of munching on them. Once in a while, it is okay until treat our flavour buds and give in on our inner glutton, after all the one is a healthy fast food option. One cup of these popping mouth-waterers determination not be trustworthy as those much dreaded extra pounds!


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